When taken at the first court decision to stop the work of catastrophic dam Belo Monte, the Amazon, the world created a climate of optimism.
The news, however, the judgment of the Supreme Court of Brazil, came to dispel any illusion:
The judicial system is mounted with the class interests of the ruling class. And this is a global phenomenon. So let us have no illusions. The people that won the won the match on the road ...
The news:
The Brazilian Supreme Court yesterday issued a decision allowing the resumption of work on the Belo Monte dam, the third-largest such project currently under construction in the world, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.
A preliminary decision by the President of the Supreme Court Aires Carlos Brito annulled the local federal court on August 14 to halt work on the ground that before the start of the project was not consulted the Indians who live in the area. The president accepted the position of Prosecutor Luis Inacio Adams, who represented the interests of the state, and found that ...
work should be repeated to avoid incurring substantial and irreparable damage to public property, management, economics and energy policy in Brazil.
The Belo Monte dam constructed on the river Singh, with a budget of $ 13 billion and has a capacity of 11,233 megawatts, which corresponds to 11% of power generation in the country.
During construction of the area will flood 502 square kilometers. Even though this does not mean that flooded areas inhabited by local people Indians threatened their way of life, as they rely mainly on fishing for their livelihoods.
The government will allocate 1.2 billion dollars by the end of the work to address the negative impacts of the project.
Source: Abe from